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bulletTechnology - - St. Barnabas School is home to nearly 50 up-to-date computers for use by our students, resulting in a less than 3:1 ratio of computers to students. In addition to a separate Computer Lab, an average of three computers are located in each classroom.  Computer use is integrated into regular classroom studies, plus students have weekly computer classes in the Lab starting in Kindergarten. The school’s computers are networked to each other as well as connected to the Internet. All Internet use is closely supervised and monitored.  The computer education program employs a hands-on approach to computer literacy.  Students learn how to operate the computer system using software for reinforcement of academic skills, as a tool for creativity and as a means of self-expression.  Keyboarding skills, computer logic and the role of computers in society are also emphasized. 

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Spiritual Life Christian Character Awards are given quarterly to those students who are recognized by teachers for acting as Jesus would in relation to the school community.

At Christmas, our 8th graders re-enact Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem through the tradition of Las Posadas. The students process from class to class until they come to the Church, where the Christmas story is reenacted. Our Christmas musical program is also a re-telling of the biblical Christmas story.

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bulletArt - Art classes are offered in grades K-8.  Students are afforded an opportunity each week to tap into their creative side.  They are exposed to a wide variety of interesting media and tools with which to express their creativity.  Development of critical thinking skills and perceptual awareness are the building blocks of the program. 

    Our mini (but growing) Art Gallery showcases some past projects. In addition, students completed Memorial Designs for 9/11 expressing their feelings and thoughts about the tragedy is a sensitive and creative manner.

    6th, 7th and 8th grades have an additional art class each week called enrichment.  A number of components are included during this time.  Correlations are drawn between art and core subject areas such as social studies, literature and science.      

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bulletMusic - Music classes are offered in grades K-8.   Classes focus on rhythm through movement, basic theory skills, composers and styles throughout history.  Music reading skills are developed through use of recorders and choirchimes.  All students participate in the Christmas Musical, the Spring Concert and the Talent Show.  


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bulletPhysical Education - Our main goal is to have FUN while learning!   Physical Education classes meet twice a week for 40 minutes.  Students in grades K - 2 play games that involve gross motor skills and fine motor skills.  Students in grades 3 - 8 participate in team sports with an emphasis on teamwork, cooperation and good sportsmanship.



bulletLibrary - Our entire school communtiy shares pride in our library  There are over 10,000 books covering a wide variety of diverse subjects.  This sizeable collection of literary works includes in excess of 5,0000 hardcover books, 5,000 paperback books, 3 sets of encyclopedias, atlases, numerous dictionaries and thesauruses.  In addition, we currently subscribe to quality magazines such as National Geographic for Kids, Kids Discover, Sports Illustrated for Kids, American Girl and Discovery Girl.  Videos for educational and entertainment purposes are also available for students and faculty.

All students at St Barnabas have a scheduled library period once a week and can visit the library on an as needed basis.  During the scheduled library period, class time is divided into silent reading and library skills.  

A portion of the money used to purchase new materials for the library is raised through the annual Book Fair.  Here parents, students, teachers, family, and friends can purchase the latest titles and all time favorites for gifts or personal use

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