Summer Reading - 5th Grade
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Choose 3 of the following books - These books are listed in the 2005 Summer Reading Chalenge.

The Cricket in Times Square by George Selden

The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster

Number the Stars by Lois Lowry

On My Honor by Marion Dane Bauer

No Arm in Left Field by Matt Christopher

After completion of the book, each student is to answer the following questions in complete sentences.  Your completed assignment is to be handed in the first day of school.

  1. Select 5 unfamiliar words from the book.  Look up each word in the dictionary, copy the definition, and write your own sentence using the word.

  2. Relate an incident in the story to something you have experienced.

  3. Which character did you like the most?  Why?  Which character did you like the least?  Why?

  4. Overall, did you like the book?  Why or why not?