The education of a child is a cooperative venture between the home and the school. Good communication among parents, teachers and administration is facilitated through an active Home School Association which enthusiastically supports endeavors by means of various activities throughout the school year. Through various fund-raising activities, the HSA provides
extra amenities to St. Barnabas students and faculty such as: field
trips to theater productions and other venues, school equipment and
instructional materials, Christmas gifts, memorial gifts, and the annual Appreciation Luncheon
for teachers. The HSA also sponsors a number of social
gatherings throughout the year, such as family skating parties and "Parents’
Nights Out". H.S.A. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. in the School cafeteria. All parents are encouraged to attend these informative sessions. (As an added incentive to attend the meetings, students whose parents attend a meeting are allowed to come to School "out of uniform" the next day.)
The Board of Directors for 2006-2007 are: President - Mary Kay Falk Vice-President - Bob Stoll Recording Secretary - Lane Fisher Corresponding Secretary - Julie Davidson Treasurer - Jennifer McDermott Sergeant at Arms - Colleen Was