The St. Barnabas Finance Committee and Msgr. Madsen have set the following tuition policy for the 2006 - 2007 school year. Please note that the tuition rate includes the lunch monitor fees that were paid separately in the past.
Parishioners: 1 child: $1,420.00 2 children: $2,240.00 3 children: $2,745.00 4 children: $3,230.00 Parishioner rates are extended to those who maintain active membership and regular financial support to St. Barnabas Parish.
Non-parishioner: $2,670.00 per child Non-Parishioners must discuss any Parish subsidy with your Pastor and provide us with a written consent for payment from your Pastor.
Pre-K 3-year-olds: $ 730.00 Pre-K 4-year-olds: $ 930.00 There is a $100.00 savings if you have 2 children in the Pre-K program.
There is a non-refundable registration fee per student for all grades of $25 (maximum of $50 per family) through March 15. From March 16 - May 1 the fee will be $35 per student. After May 1 the fee is $50 per student. The fee must accompany the registration form. Tuition is to be paid every month (10 month) with the first payment due on August 15 unless alternative arrangements are made with the School Principal before this date. A late fee of $15 will be assessed for each month payments are late. All tuition must be paid in full before June 1 in order for your children to receive their final report card or participate in the Kindergarten or 8th grade graduation. Financial hardships do occur from time to time. No child will be excluded from St. Barnabas School if this occurs. Any parent experiencing financial difficulty must contact Mrs. Muth or Msgr. Madsen at once to make arrangements. All discussions will be held in strictest confidence. If you have any other questions, please contact the school office at 684-1444.